Thursday, 9 June 2016

Marymount Gardening

This week was our second week in Marymount Hospice and what a productive day we had. There was LOTS of digging and weeding to be done and many trips to the compost bin with the wheelbarrow (sometimes it even contained shrubs and weeds!!!)
The children worked extremely hard today and were proud delighted with the progress they made!
Thank you to all the parents who are helping out, either providing lifts and/or their gardening skills. It couldn't be done without you.
Don't forget to check back in to see the finished product.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Sciath na Scol Cluichí Ceannais

Today was another memorable day for Scoil Bhailenóra. Every player representing our school today worked extremely hard and gave it their all on the day. They should all be proud of themselves as their supporters were very proud to be cheering them on. Maith sibh a bhuachaillí agus a chailíní!I have no doubt many of you will be representing your secondary schools on the pitch in the not too distant future!